Anatoliy Rokochinskiy

Anatoliy Rokochinskiy is a Ph.D., Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), professor of the Department of Water Engineering and Water Technologies, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering,Ukraine. Field of activity: development of the scientific principles, methods and models for the justification of climatologically-optimal strategies for creating and managing complex natural and man-made objects in the field of water management, environmental protection, agriculture and the energy sector of the country through the use of modern computer and information technologies. Author of more than 390 scientific and scientific-methodological works. Teaching courses: Automation of the design of water management and melioration objects, Water Engineering and Water Technologies.


Handbook of Research on Improving the Natural and Ecological Conditions of the Polesie Zone
Anatoliy Rokochinskiy, Lyudmyla Kuzmych, Pavlo Volk. © 2023. 479 pages.
The wetlands of the Polish Polissya zone in previous centuries had a negative impact on the economic development of the region and were an obstacle to social transformation. Even...
Increase the Adaptive Potential of Dried Land in Changeable Climatic Conditions
Pavlo Volk, Anatoliy Rokochinskiy, Nataliia Prykhodko, Liubov Volk. © 2023. 13 pages.
Based on the analysis and generalization of the data of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists, as well as the results of the authors' respective research, an...
The Improvement of the Design Technology of Reclamation Projects for the Optimization of the Drained Lands Water Regulation Based on BIM Technologies
Anatoliy Rokochinskiy. © 2023. 11 pages.
Improvement principles of development reclamation projects technologies considering drained lands water regulation optimization based on BIM were observed. Modern methodological...