Andrea Quartara

Andrea Quartara is a PhD student at the Department of Science for Architecture of the Genova Polytechnic School. He enrolled in the graduate program in Architecture in Genova, in 2007. The core of his M. Arch thesis - [in]forming form. Generation and mutations of an urban algorithm, developed with Giulio Dini - was the design of an algorithmic structure which allows the management of a data stream of varying and different natures. In July 2013 they submitted the thesis with honours. In January 2014 Andrea became a Licensed Architect. At the same time he started his PhD grant. In March 2014, he became a member of EmergentaGE group. He organized and co-tutored Grasshopper® and Maya® software-based workshops: they were goal-oriented to 3D print. In September 2014, he organized with the group ICAR65 an international symposium – FormafterForm On the relentless emergence of new (architectural) forms.


The Post-Parametric Attitude in the Digital Materialization of Architecture: Beyond the Automation in Representation towards the Emerging Digital Fabrication
Andrea Quartara. © 2020. 29 pages.
The purpose of this essay is to outline a particular evolution path of digital achievements and improvements in architecture. The author depicts the historical emergence of the...
The Post-Parametric Attitude in the Digital Materialization of Architecture: Beyond the Automation in Representation towards the Emerging Digital Fabrication
Andrea Quartara. © 2016. 30 pages.
The purpose of this essay is to outline a particular evolution path of digital achievements and improvements in architecture. The author depicts the historical emergence of the...