Anita Mirijamdotter

Anita Mirijamdotter is Professor and Head of the Information Systems Research group at the School of Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics, Linnaeus University. She also holds the position as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering which includes leading the committee work for First and Second Cycle Education. Additional honorary tasks are: board member for the international research collaboration in the Centre for Philosophy, Technology and Social Systems (CPTS); board member for the cross-disciplinary area Mathematical Modeling and Systems Collaboration within the Linnaeus University; and member of the Leadership team of the Swedish Research School of Management and IT (MIT). Anita has served as a referee in academic conferences and journals and contributed to more than forty conference- and journal publications. Her research focus is mainly in areas related to: information and communication technology (ICT) impact on (or implications for) organisational processes, and interactive and human centric methods for need-finding, evaluating, valuing and learning.


Information and Communication Technologies, Society and Human Beings: Theory and Framework (Festschrift in honor of Gunilla Bradley)
Darek Haftor, Anita Mirijamdotter. © 2011. 660 pages.
There is a real need for an enlightening new volume to explore the recent developments and topical analyses of the psychological and social effects of ICT. Information and...
In Search for Unity within the Diversity of Information Societies
Darek M. Haftor, Anita Mirijamdotter, Miranda Kajtazi. © 2011. 7 pages.
This final Chapter represents the responsibility, the privilege but also the aspiration of the two editors of this Gunilla Bradley Festschrift. The aspiration here is no less...