Antonio Alejandro Lorca-Marín

Antonio Alejandro Lorca Marín
Full Professor at the University of Huelva (Spain) in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Sports within the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences. In 2017, Cum Laude Doctorate in Research in Teaching and Learning of Experimental Sciences. With 3 university master's degrees. From the University of Huelva, the master's degree in research in the teaching and learning of sciences (experimental sciences itinerary) and the master's degree in university teaching, and from the University of Seville, the master's degree in training and e-learning technology. Researcher of the Association of Teachers and Researchers in the Didactics of Experimental Sciences, APICE. My training, teaching and research profile is closely linked to the teaching of experimental sciences and educational technology. Author and editor of books, book chapters and impact articles related to this line of research in publishing houses of national and international prestige (Grao, Dykinson, Octaedro, Pirámide, Trea, Síntesis, etc.). Regarding the teaching, in line with research, professor in master's degrees in teacher training and educational research, degrees, courses and seminars, with maximum scores in external evaluations of teaching activity over the last 15 years through the Docentia program (Spain) Since 2017, active member of the COIDESO Research Center (Contemporary Thought and Innovation for Social Development) and within this, director of the Dissemination, Transfer and Quality area from 2018 to 2022.