Ch Siddharth Nanda

Ch Siddharth Nanda , Associate Professor in School of Business, Woxsen University, Telangana is a distinguished professional with over 17 years of extensive experience in his field. Previously he was Deputy Director and Associate Professor at Amity University, Kolkata. He has made significant contributions to the academic and research community, showcasing his expertise through a multitude of research papers published in prestigious journals indexed in Scopus and ABDC (Australian Business Deans Council) databases. His commitment to advancing knowledge is evident in the quality and quantity of his scholarly works. In addition to his prolific research output, Dr. Nanda has been recognized for his thought leadership and has been invited as both a session and keynote speaker at various international conferences. His presentations reflect a deep understanding of his subject matter and a keen ability to communicate complex ideas effectively to diverse audiences.


Blockchain and Digital Twins: Concept, Applications, Challenges, and Potential
Prashant Chougule, Sharuti Choudhary, Kavitha Reddy Gurrala, Ch Siddharth Nanda. © 2024. 24 pages.
Digital twins and blockchain technology have revolutionized data management and accessibility in a variety of areas and opened a plethora of new and profitable business...