Colin C. Davis

Colin C. Davis is a senior at Taylor University where he studies Marketing and Management and expects to graduate with a B.A in Spring of 2024. Throughout his time at Taylor, Davis has had the privilege to assist in research in a variety of fields. His most recent research focused on comparing manuscripts and translations of the bishop of Alexandria, Athansius for Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life edited by Rev. Jeremy Treat, being published in Spring of 2024. Outside of the halls of academia, Davis has worked as an intern on the Union Pacific Railroad, focusing on the intersection of Intermodal Auto carriers and Mexican Regulation. Upon graduation, Davis plans to return to the railroad as a logistics specialist.


The Coaching Leadership Style (CLS)
Julie M. Little, Mary Jo “Jody” Hirschy, Kelly Yordy, Amy Stucky, Colin C. Davis. © 2024. 30 pages.
Leadership is both a concept and practice that involves several criteria including individual characteristics, communication skills, decision-making, and relationship with...