Constantin Papaodysseus

Constantin Papaodysseus received the Diploma degree in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the MSc degree from Manchester University, United Kingdom. He received the PhD degree in computer engineering from NTUA. From 1996-2000, he was an assistant professor at NTUA in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Since 2001, he has been an associate professor in the same department at NTUA. His research interests include image processing, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering, music and sound processing and automatic recognition, applications of computer science to archaeology, applied mathematics, algorithm robustness and quantization error analysis, adaptive algorithms, etc. He has more than 50 publications in international journals on these subjects.


Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing in Archaeometry: Mathematical and Computational Solutions for Archaeology
Constantin Papaodysseus. © 2012. 330 pages.
Computer science—especially pattern recognition, signal processing and mathematical algorithms—can offer important information about archaeological finds, information that is...
A Digital Investigation Manifesting use of Geometric Stencils for the Drawing of Akrotiri Thera Prehistoric Wall Paintings
Panayiotis Rousospoulos, Dimitris Arabadjis, Mihalis Exarhos, Michail Panagopoulos, Georgios Galanopoulos, Afroditi Pantazi, Constantin Papaodysseus. © 2012. 82 pages.
The present chapter deals with the problem of determining the method used to draw several celebrated and beautiful wall-paintings belonging to the Late Bronze Age (c. 1630 B.C.)...
Automatic Identification of the Writer of Ancient Greek Inscriptions, Employing Methods of Computer Engineering and Mathematics
Constantin Papaodysseus, Michail Panagopoulos, Panayotis Rousopoulos, Dimitris Arabadjis, Fivi Panopoulou, Solomon Zannos, Fotios Giannopoulos, Steven Tracy. © 2012. 51 pages.
Automatic handwriting identification/classification is a major problem in graphology analysis. In this chapter the authors present an automated writer identification system...
An Overview of Methods for Automatic Reassembly of Fragmented Objects
Dimitris Arabadjis, Michael Exarhos, Fotios Giannopoulos, Solomon Zannos, Panayiotis Rousopoulos, Constantin Papaodysseus. © 2012. 26 pages.
In this chapter the authors outline some research works characteristic for the application of Signal Processing and Pattern Analysis techniques to the automatic reconstruction /...