Crag A. Hill

Crag A. Hill’s research focuses on the production and consumption of various literatures by/for adolescents, in and out of school contexts: young adult literature (The Critical Merits of Young Adult Literature: Coming of Age. Routledge, 2014; Critical Explorations of Canonical Young Adult Literature: Identifying and Critiquing the Canon, co-edited with Victor Malo-Juvera. Routledge, 2020); comics (Teaching Comics Through MultipleLenses: Critical Perspectives. Routledge, 2016), and the high school canon (Critical Approaches to Teaching the High School Novel: Reinterpreting Canonical Literature, co-edited with Victor Malo-Juvera. Routledge, 2019). His extensive collaboration with scholars, graduate students, and teachers in many different contexts in the US and abroad fosters critical dialogue on the impact of these literatures on the understanding of race, class, sexuality, gender identity, and other perspectives. His editorial work with Study & Scrutiny: Research on Young Adult Literature, the journal he co-founded, endeavors to expand and deepen the critical and empirical study of young adult literature in order to enhance the understanding of this body of literature.


Provoking the Mentoring Teacher: Examining Teaching Interactions Through Dialogic Self-Study
Julianna E. Lopez Kershen, Crag A. Hill. © 2023. 22 pages.
This chapter describes the journey of a duoethnographic and co/autobiographic, phenomenological study undertaken by two university colleagues. This research outlines engagement...