Dana C. Branson

Dana C. Branson is an associate professor of social work in the Department of Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology at Southeast Missouri State University. Branson earned her Ph.D. in Psychology from Northcentral University, her Master of Social Work from the University of Kansas, and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Sociology from Southwest Baptist University. Branson has been a licensed practitioner (LCSW) and a member of NASW since 1997. Dr. Branson has over 25 years of clinical experience with substance use disorders, mental health, co-occurring disorders, and trauma-informed care. Branson’s practice is focused primarily with women and adolescents and incorporates the many diverse dynamics of rural social work. Branson regularly serves as a conference presenter discussing vicarious and secondary traumas, Adverse Childhood Events (ACE), substance use disorder topics, the importance of school social workers, and a variety of other topics. Branson has participated in international social work opportunities in Ireland, Brazil, and Belarus.


Mentoring, Partnering, and Follow-Through: TRIO Programs Provide a Path Through the Wilderness
Dana C. Branson, Valdis Zalite, Wendell T. Stapleton, Mya Weakley. © 2023. 25 pages.
TRIO programs partner with low-income, first-generation, and/or students with disabilities to address academic and personal challenges, as well as social capital deficits that...
Decreasing Social Isolation in Older Adults and Stereotypes in Students: Experiential Learning Creates Gerontological Providers
Dana C. Branson. © 2023. 26 pages.
The aging of the world is creating unique changes, specifically in resource management, health institutions, and social services. The need for gerontological social providers is...
An Educational Catch-22: Why Schools With the Greatest Need Are Least Likely to Have School Social Workers
Dana C. Branson, Anna J. Koth. © 2023. 24 pages.
This chapter discusses injustices surrounding school social workers (SSW), specifically in schools with high rates of poverty, majority-minority populations, in rural settings...
Hissy Fits in Class: Educational Response to Emotional Dysregulation
Dana C. Branson, Noah R. Branson. © 2023. 20 pages.
In their quest to provide a wholistic education, schools are providing more in-house source services to students. Specifically, schools are responding to the aftermath of...
Posttraumatic Growth: Educators and School Social Workers Taking Lemons and Making Lemonade
Dana C. Branson. © 2022. 21 pages.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide the reader with an understanding of how trauma can set up challenges and obstacles to student academic success and realistic responses...
Time to Move School Social Work to Proactive Services for Students
Dana C. Branson. © 2022. 26 pages.
This chapter discusses the increase in trauma-informed schools in response to an appreciation of traumatic aftermath and its potential to create educational challenges to...
When Helping Is Dangerous: Benefits and Risks to Providers Delivering Digital Crisis Intervention
Dana C. Branson. © 2021. 24 pages.
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the growth in social services using digital platforms to provide crisis interventions for clients, families, and communities. Digitally...
Student Trauma, the Hidden Curriculum, and Cultural Humility: This Trio Needs a Team Approach
Dana C. Branson. © 2021. 19 pages.
Student trauma can set up challenges and obstacles to a student's academic success. The correlation between experienced childhood trauma and negative medical and social...
Hidden Occupational Hazards for Social Service Providers
Dana C. Branson. © 2021. 24 pages.
Burnout, secondary traumatic stress (STS), and vicarious trauma (VT) are occupational hazards for those who work in social service settings, specifically social workers...
Student Trauma, the Hidden Curriculum, and Cultural Humility: This Trio Needs a Team Approach
Dana C. Branson. © 2020. 24 pages.
Student trauma can set up challenges and obstacles to a student's academic success. The correlation between experienced childhood trauma and negative medical and social...
Stress and Trauma: Negative Outcomes
Dana C. Branson. © 2020. 23 pages.
Toxic stress and trauma are common occurrences that can create physiological and psychological changes with negative short- and long-term effects. Research has clearly...