Daniel Wheatley

Daniel Wheatley

Daniel Wheatley is Reader in Business and Labour Economics at University of Birmingham, UK. His research focuses on work and well-being including job quality, work-life balance and flexible working arrangements, spatial dimensions of work including work-related travel, and other aspects of time-use including leisure time and the household division of labour. Daniel is author of Time Well Spent: Subjective Well-being and the Organization of Time and editor of the Edward Elgar Handbook of Research Methods on the Quality of Working Lives. His work has appeared in a number of edited volumes, and in peer reviewed journals.


Handbook of Research on Remote Work and Worker Well-Being in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Daniel Wheatley, Irene Hardill, Sarah Buglass. © 2021. 420 pages.
With the introduction of policies to combat COVID-19, far greater numbers of employees across the globe—including those with limited job autonomy—have moved to undertake their...