Darlene Silva S. Santana

Darlene Silva S. Santana has a Master in Letters from the State University of Southwest Bahia – UESB; Graduated in Letters – Portuguese Language and Portuguese Language Literatures from the State University of Bahia – UNEB and specialization in School Management and Pedagogical Practices from the Cândido Mendes University – UCAM. She is currently a language teacher in the municipality of Eunápolis and Secretarial Technician at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia – IFBA, Eunápolis campus, where she is responsible for the Planning and Governance Sector. His most recent studies are focused on governance and strategic planning in the public service. In his academic productions, he dealt with the themes: the role of education in the formation of the subject, based on the theory of language, and the constitution of contemporary subjectivity, considering the sign network imposed by technological advances.


The Secret of the Best: The Practice of Risk Management in Brazilian Educational Institutions
Rômulo Brito Oliveira, Fernando Gentil de Souza, Darlene Silva S. Santana. © 2023. 18 pages.
The theme of governance has occupied the spaces of debate and practice in public administration. The evaluation of good examples of institutional management, in the current...