Gladys Quevedo-Camargo

Gladys Quevedo-Camargo holds a PhD in Language Studies as well as the RSA/DELTA – Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults. She works with English language teaching and teacher education at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation and at the Applied Linguistics Post-Graduation Program at the University of Brasília (UnB), located in the capital of Brazil. She is co-founder and board member of LAALTA – Latin American Association for Language Testing and Assessment and a member of the BrazTesol Assessment Special Interest Group. She also coordinates the research group Language Academic Literacies in Higher Education - LALES. Her main areas of interest and research are language testing, classroom language assessment and language assessment literacy.


The Impact of Online Feedback Practice on Pre-Service English Teachers During the Pandemic
Bruna Lourenção Zocaratto, Gladys Quevedo-Camargo. © 2023. 18 pages.
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the results of a study on the impact of online feedback practice on the learning and education of pre-service English teachers at a...