Hans Jochen Scholl

Hans Jochen Scholl, Ph.D. (Information Science) is an Associate Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington. His research expertise includes information management, electronic government, complex systems, systems dynamics, process engineering, and emergency and disaster management using novel information technologies. Jochen has published many quality research articles and seminal books on various issues of e-government, such as “smart government,” the uses and challenges of mobile systems in City field operations, or cross-agency integration and interoperability. He has demonstrated effective and energetic leadership in e-government research across the globe. He chairs or co-chairs e-government conferences, such as the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) E-Government Conference, as well as the leading E-government Track and E-Government Symposium at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Jochen serves as the Chair of the IFIP TC3 WG 8.5 (Information Systems and Public Administration) and is the past president of the Digital Government Society of North America (2010-2011).


Hans Jochen Scholl. © 2013. 4 pages.
This Foreword is included in the book E-Government Success around the World: Cases, Empirical Studies, and Practical Recommendations.
The Dimensions of Business Process Change in Electronic Government
Hans Jochen Scholl. © 2005. 24 pages.
Governments at all levels and across all branches have been urged to become leaner and smarter, providing better and faster service at lower cost. Such fundamental change...