Harriet Fayne

Harriet (Niki) Fayne is a professor of leadership studies at Lehman College, City University of New York. Prior to returning to teaching, Dr. Fayne served as the dean of the School of Education. In that capacity, she led initiatives to reform teacher preparation, showcase practitioner inquiry, build community partnerships, and foster institutional growth.She has authored or co-authored articles and book chapters that focus on teacher education redesign and regularly presents her work at international and national conferences. Dr. Fayne holds a B.A. with a major in American Studies from Barnard College, a M.A.T. in Social Studies Education from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in educational psychology from Columbia University.


STEM for All: Fostering Innovation in an Elementary Classroom
Caitlin Lopez, Harriet Fayne, Anne D'Amico. © 2023. 12 pages.
With a full-time resident assigned to their fifth-grade classroom, two teachers (one general education, one special education) felt they had the bandwidth to try a new approach...
Who Is in Charge Here?: Putting Systems in Place to Enhance the Performance of Paraprofessionals
Harriet Fayne. © 2023. 10 pages.
A middle school principal in a low-performing urban middle school recognizes that he must reassess the roles and impact of paraprofessionals within the building. After observing...
Multimodal Literacy and Creative Computing Badges in a Teacher Quality Partnership Residency Program: Putting P-12 Students at the Center Right from the Start
Harriet Fayne, Tom Bijesse, Paul Allison, Anne Rothstein. © 2022. 13 pages.
Introducing micro-credentialing into Lehman College's teacher residency program provides candidates with opportunities not afforded in Master's courses of study. Through...