Hayri Uygun

Hayri Uygun is an academician and writer on management area. He is active researcher and working in RTEU Ardeşen Vocational School, Recap Tayyip Erdogan University Rize, Turkey. He is expert in project management and budget analysis. He has published many papers and presented number of papers in international conferences.


Benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Today and Tomorrow of the Manufacturing Industries
Arpita Nayak, Ipseeta Satpathy, B.C.M. Patnaik, Rashmi Gujrati, Hayri Uygun. © 2023. 23 pages.
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a new wave of emerging technologies. It is a computer system that enables the construction, deployment, and administration of sentient robots....
Digitalization and Urbanization
Anish Gupta, Hayri Uygun, Rashmi Gujrati, Dhiraj Gupta. © 2022. 12 pages.
The business world is transforming into digitalization. To stay modest and appropriate, it has become necessary to adopt digitalization. The construction industry is entirely...