Heather M. Huling

Heather M. Huling , Ed.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Elementary Education Program at Georgia Southern University where she teaches courses in curriculum and planning, arts integration, children’s literature, language arts methods, and supervises students in their senior level field experiences. She was an elementary educator in the public school system for seven years before moving into higher education to work with preservice teachers as a teacher educator and mentor. Her research interests focus on literacy, equity, preservice teachers, teacher education, co-teaching, and best instructional practices in face-to-face and online settings.


Problematizing Niceness: A Teacher Educators' Learning Community on Culturally Responsive Teaching
Michelle Reidel, Peggy Shannon-Baker, Courtney Alexander Toledo, Kathleen M. Crawford, Leslie D. Roberts, Heather M. Huling, Delores D. Liston. © 2024. 21 pages.
Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) advocates for “teaching to and through” cultural diversity to improve learning, build relationships, mediate classroom power imbalances, and...
The Art of Connection: Humanizing Teaching and Learning in Online Classes
Kathleen Crawford, Heather M. Huling. © 2024. 23 pages.
This chapter showcases how the practices of two teacher educators in an asynchronous, online graduate-level summer course, Advanced Language Arts Methods, humanized the learning...