Hiroo Wakaumi

Hiroo Wakaumi received his B.E. degree in electronics from Chiba University in 1973 and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 2000. Until 1992, he worked at NEC Corporation. Then he joined Tokyo Metropolitan College of Technology, whose name has been changed to Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology in 2006, where he is currently a professor. His research interests include CCDs, display devices, high-voltage MOS ICs, magnetic sensing, optical sensing, and signal processing. He has published 44 papers in journals and international conferences, three books, and over 80 general meeting papers including bulletins and magazines. He is now each senior member of IEEE and IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers).


Smart Sensor Systems
Hiroo Wakaumi. © 2013. 20 pages.
This chapter addresses smart sensor systems. In recent years, goods identification technology using a soft magnetic barcode, radio frequency identification, and automated...