Irene Hardill

Irene Hardill FAcSS is Professor of Public Policy, Northumbria University, UK. Her research explores the changing world of work through the many meanings of work, paid and unpaid in the home and the community. Irene has long held a commitment to feminist methods, especially from a life course perspective. She is leading a UK-wide study of the impact of the COVID-19 on the role of voluntary action in the pandemic which is funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) rapid response call for projects which contribute to understanding of, and response to, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts.


Handbook of Research on Remote Work and Worker Well-Being in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Daniel Wheatley, Irene Hardill, Sarah Buglass. © 2021. 420 pages.
With the introduction of policies to combat COVID-19, far greater numbers of employees across the globe—including those with limited job autonomy—have moved to undertake their...