Ismail Butun

Ismail Butun

Ismail Butun received his B.Sc., and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Hacettepe University; his M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of South Florida. He worked as an Assistant Professor in the years between 2015 and 2016. Since 2017, he has been working as a post-doctoral fellow for various universities (University of Delaware, Mid Sweden University, Chalmers University of Technology, Royal University of Technology). He has more than 47 publications in peer-reviewed scientific international journals and conference proceedings. His citations have passed 1,800 and counting, along with an H-index of 17. He is a well-recognized academic reviewer by IEEE, ACM, and Springer, who served for 50 various scientific journals and conferences in the review process of more than 190 articles. He is an editor of Springer Nature and IGI Global. His research interests include but not limited to; computer networks, wireless communications, WSNs, IoT, cyber-physical systems, cryptography, network security, and intrusion detection.


Decision Support Systems and Industrial IoT in Smart Grid, Factories, and Cities
Ismail Butun. © 2021. 285 pages.
Internet of things (IoT) is an emerging research field that is rapidly becoming an important part of our everyday lives including home automation, smart buildings, smart things...
Implications of Cybersecurity Breaches in LPWANs
Åke Axeland, Henrik Hagfeldt, Magnus Carlsson, Lina Lagerquist Sergel, Ismail Butun. © 2021. 18 pages.
With the contrast of limited performance and big responsibility of IoT devices, potential security breaches can have serious impacts in means of safety and privacy. Potential...
Early Detection and Recovery Measures for Smart Grid Cyber-Resilience
Ismail Butun, Alparslan Sari. © 2021. 20 pages.
The internet of things (IoT) has recently brought major technological advances in many domains, including the smart grid. Despite the simplicity and efficiency that IoT brings...
A Case Study of Decision Support System and Warehouse Management System Integration
Alparslan Sari, Ismail Butun. © 2021. 28 pages.
A warehouse is an indispensable part of the logistics. A warehouse management system (WMS) is designed to improve efficiency in warehouses to increase their throughput and...
Detecting Intrusions in Cyber-Physical Systems of Smart Cities: Challenges and Directions
Ismail Butun, Patrik Österberg. © 2019. 29 pages.
Interfacing the smart cities with cyber-physical systems (CPSs) improves cyber infrastructures while introducing security vulnerabilities that may lead to severe problems such as...