Jakub Balhar

Jakub Balhar is the head of the Software development/IT department in GISAT, leading the team of web design, UX and software development experts. He has strong track record in the computer science, programming, developing web services and web-based functional tools, web app development and design, data collection, quality check and management, including time-series and big data integration and handling. He is an expert in data gathering, processing, analysis and visualizations, including OpenLinkedData, social media data or OSM data. He is responsible for technical leadership of the strategic projects for the company in the IT area, including the development of the GISAT´s framework for analytical platforms with synchronized interactive maps and charts, which has been exploited in a number of commercial and ESA/EC funded projects. He is responsible for handling the challenges associated with delivering desired products in relevant quality on time and with satisfactory non-functional requirements such as security and scalability. Also, he has experience with the development of the Web World Wind framework and of the ERP systems.


Dyslexia and Accessibility in the Modern Era: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Kamila Balharová, Jakub Balhar, Věra Vojtová. © 2021. 279 pages.
While the written word is an important means of communication among people, the technological revolution has increased the demands on mental processes involved in the processing...