Jeffrey M. Morris

Jeff Morris curates the Fresh Minds Festival of audiovisual art and created the Performance Technology (PerfTech) program at Texas A&M University. Writings about his works and their aesthetics have been presented at the International Symposium on Electronic Art, Computer Art Congress, Generative Art International Conference, International Computer Music Conference, and Sound and Music Computing Conference. His technology-based performance experiences make art emerge from unusual situations: music drawn from architecture and cityscapes, performance art for the radio, and serious concert music for toy piano, robot, Sudoku puzzles, and paranormal electronic voice phenomena. His compositions, performances, installations, and curated projects have appeared in the Onassis Cultural Center (Athens), Triennale Museum (Milan), the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library (Austin), and the Chicago Architecture Foundation’s “Open House Chicago.” He has won awards in the Concours de Bourges (France), Viseu Rural (Portugal), “Music in Architecture” International Competition (Austin), the Un“Cage”d Toy Piano Competition (NYC), and the “Radio Killed the Video Star” Competition (NYC).


Preparing Students to Engage the Arts in the 21st Century
Jeffrey M. Morris. © 2015. 17 pages.
The Department of Performance Studies at Texas A&M University is building a culture of innovation through strategic facility development, a focus on students sharing work through...
Fostering a Culture of Creative Interdisciplinary Innovation at Texas A&M University
Autum Casey, Jeffrey M. Morris. © 2012. 14 pages.
As a relatively young department in an aesthetically conservative, remote college town, the Department of Performance Studies at Texas A&M University is building a culture of...
International Journal of Art, Culture, Design, and Technology (IJACDT)
Fernando Lima. Est. 2011.
The International Journal of Art, Culture, Design, and Technology (IJACDT) links art, design, science, and culture with new developments and issues in technology. IJACDT provides...
Humanness, Elevated Through its Disappearance
Jeffrey M. Morris. © 2011. 19 pages.
Developments in electronic communications are drastically changing what it means to be human and to interact with humans. The value of recent technological developments to...