Jesús Tramullas

Master in Computer Management from the Institute of Enterprise Directors IDE / CESEM. He has directed and developed funded research projects on information management in organizations. Coordinator of the Thematic Network on Digital Documents (founded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, 2004-2007)). Member of the Information Resources Management in Organizations Research Group. Director of Digital Information Workshops & Summer Courses (Univ. of Zaragoza in Jaca, 2001-2010). Senior member of the Association for Computer Machinery ACM, IEEE Education Chapter, and International Society for Knowledge Organization ISKO. Author of numerous works on the implementation and development of computer tools in Information Management and Librarianship. Some authored books are World Wide Web: fundamentals, navigation and languages on the global information network (1996), Introduction to Documatica, (1997), Information retrieval on the Internet (2001), Libre software for information services (2006), Trends in Digital Documents (2006). Lecturer and speaker at numerous conferences, courses and seminars. His weblog is


Jesús Tramullas. © 2013. 8 pages.
This Preface is included in the book Library Automation and OPAC 2.0: Information Access and Services in the 2.0 Landscape.
Intelligent Personal Agents in Library 2.0 Environments: An Assistant Prototype
Jesús Tramullas, Piedad Garrido. © 2013. 17 pages.
The use of OPACs has been one of the problems that users of libraries have faced. The application of Web 2.0 techniques in OPACs has favored the interaction between users and...