Jiří Dlouhý

Jiří Dlouhý has been working for 30 year as a researcher in the Environmental Center of Charles University, he is deputy director. He is also chairman of Society for Sustainable Living, one of Czech environmental NGOs. His specialization is environmental education and education for sustainable development, especially the use of open educational resources in ESD. He is a member of the Board of the European Environmental Bureau, representing Czech Republic there.


Sustainability Online?: Actors, Hierarchies, and Communication Patterns in Collaborative Development of Open Educational Resources
Jana Dlouhá, Eduard Petiška, Marie Pospíšilová, Jiří Dlouhý. © 2023. 17 pages.
The concept of ESD is innovative, aiming to catalyse changes in the way we learn; in this context, new teaching/learning approaches and ESD pedagogies have been widely discussed...