Jose Antonio Fernandez-Sanchez

José Antonio Fernández Sánchez has been a full-time Professor at the Department of Business Organization at the University of Alicante (Spain) since 2000. He was previously an accounting manager in the private sector. Professor Fernández holds a Spanish Degree in Business Administration (Bachelor in Business Administration, BBA) and a Ph.D. in Business Organization (both at the University of Alicante). His main teaching areas are Human Resource Management and Strategic and Information Systems Management. He is also part of the staff of the Master of Human Resources program at the University of Alicante (Spain). Dr. Fernandez’s research focuses mainly on the use of strategies and information systems to facilitate human resource policies in the fields of recruitment and downsizing in private and public organizations.


Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information
Susana de Juana-Espinosa, Jose Antonio Fernandez-Sanchez, Encarnacion Manresa-Marhuenda, Jorge Valdes-Conca. © 2012. 445 pages.
Businesses worldwide are faced with major challenges related to the progressive (and many times unavoidable) incorporation of information technologies into their processes....