Kate Johnson

Kate Johnson has worked in higher education, focusing on adult learners since 2009. Kate is passionate about increasing educators’ professional competence and their use of effective pedagogy in the online environment. Kate has held positions in admissions, student services, faculty engagement, faculty support & development, and her current position as the Associate Director of Faculty Development at the University of Arizona Global Campus. Before moving into post-secondary education, Kate spent the better decade working in sales, training, and managing projects in the corporate world. Kate holds a BA in Business and an MA in Public Administration. Additionally, Kate has taught as an adjunct faculty member since 2014.


Connecting Learning Theory to Course Design and Facilitation by Developing a Teaching Philosophy
Kate Johnson, Amy Erickson, Diana Boggan. © 2023. 29 pages.
Although online adjunct faculty have expertise in their area of study, a disconnect often exists between teaching practices, theory, and course development. As the higher...