Lixin Wang

|Lixin Wang - Contributing Author|Dr. Lixin Wang is currently a Professor of Computer Science at Columbus State University, Columbus, Georgia. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL. His research interests include Network Security, Intrusion Detection Systems, Wireless Networks, Algorithm Design and Analysis. He has been conducting top quality research in these areas and published more than 56 peer-reviewed high-quality research papers. Many of his research papers are published in leading journals or top-tier conferences. Since 2011, Dr. Wang has been awarded ten federal grants (from NSA, NSF, US Army Reserve, US Department of Energy, or US Department of Education) as the PI or a Co-PI with the total awarded amount more than US$2.6 million. Dr. Wang is currently serving as an associate/guest editor for 9 academic journals in Computer Science, including journal special issues.


Cybersecurity Education Across the Middle and High School Curricula: Perceived Impacts of the GenCyber Camp
Aaron R. Gierhart, Yesem Kurt-Peker, Lydia Ray, Lixin Wang. © 2024. 27 pages.
Technology and its applications are advancing rapidly, making it challenging to assess the implications of its use. Exacerbating these issues is a lack of cybersecurity...