Mehak Vasta

Mehak Vasta is pursuing her Bachelor of Business Administration program in the School of Business, Skyline University College, Sharjah, UAE. She is academically a brilliant student with commendable research contribution. She also actively participated in many curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. She presented a research paper in the Student Seminar organized by School of Business, Skyline University College, Sharjah, UAE. Her areas of interest include finance, supply chain financing, and sustainable supply chain.


Leveraging Opportunities for Developing Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains Through the Application of Digital Technologies
Yanamandra Ramakrishna, Babita Srivatsava, Siti Norida Wahab, Mehak Vasta. © 2024. 20 pages.
An environmentally responsible supply chain refers to the integration of environmentally friendly practices and principles into the various stages of the supply chain process....