Mei Wu

Wu Mei Associate Professor of the Department of Communication, University of Macau, received a Bachelor of Arts in English, Certificate in Journalism (University of Hawaii), MA in Media Studies and Ph.D. in Communication (Concordia University). She specializes in media technology and communication studies. She has conducted a series of research studies on the Internet and telephony/mobile telephony in China. Her publications appear in major journals and by well-known publishers both in English and Chinese including Routledge, IGI Global, People’s University Press, Javnost-The Public, Media Studies Journal, International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, Global Media and Communication and China Computer-Mediated Communication Studies. She received the 2011 Academic Award of the China New Media Communication Association (CNMCA), which represents the highest quality research in the field of new media communication studies in China. She was a Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford and Visiting Research Fellow at the East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore. Her research interests also cover journalism and globalization with a focus on press systems in Southeast Asia.


Internet Mercenaries and Viral Marketing: The Case of Chinese Social Media
Mei Wu, Peter Jakubowicz, Chengyu Cao. © 2014. 326 pages.
Social media and emerging internet technologies have expanded the ideas of marketing approaches. In particular, the phenomenon of the internet in China challenges the common...
'Magic Wand': Mobile Phones and Fujian Entrepreneurs in China
Mei Wu, Haiyun Lin. © 2009. 15 pages.
Mobile telephony was first adopted by business people, specifically small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. Their use habits have thus contributed to the evolvement of the mobile...