Mika Markus Merviö

Mika Markus MerviöMika Markus Merviö is Professor of International Relations at the Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan. Previously he has been working at the University of Tampere, Finland, from 1983-1995, and from which he also received his Ph.D. (International Relations). Then he moved to the International Christian University, Tôkyô, Japan as a JSPS researcher and from there to the Miyazaki International University and the University of Shimane, where he worked as a Professor. From 2000 he has been working at the Kibi International University. His research interests include political and social issues, history, art and environment.


Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Studies on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2022. 365 pages.
As healthcare, culture, and the environment remain crucial aspects of modern society, the current issues and opportunities within each sector must be examined and considered in...
Art and Environment Seen Through the Lens of Politics in Japan
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2022. 16 pages.
This chapter analyses the changing diversity of politically and socially relevant interpretations, ideas, and opinions concerning the environment in Japan with a special...
Japanese Visual Arts: Representation and Perfectioning of Reality – Mimesis and Understanding of Japanese Visual Arts
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2022. 24 pages.
In this chapter, the author has analysed the Japanese visual traditions in the context of changing social, cultural, and political environment. He has provided detailed...
Recent Social, Environmental, and Cultural Issues in East Asian Societies
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2020. 298 pages.
East Asian societies continue to react to developments occurring in the Western part of the world as well as influence development elsewhere due to the global reach of East Asian...
Interpretation and Reconstruction of Environment, Aesthetics, and Politics in Japan
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2020. 23 pages.
The tradition of Japanese thinking on environment has developed in close interaction with both Asian and Western influences. However, Japanese society has constantly created new...
Social Risk Discourse and Japan: The State of Reflexivity and Individualization
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2020. 23 pages.
In terms of risk society, Japan is following the rest of its peers in entering the world risk society, but in a selective way of ignoring some parts of the discourse. This...
Reading in the Humanities in the Mobile Digital Age
John Fawsitt. © 2020. 10 pages.
This speculative submission tries to delineate the possible existence of a clash between fulfilling a mission towards developing the cognitive and intellectual abilities of...
The Social Significance of Visual Arts: State, Nation, and Visual Art in Japan and Finland
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2020. 16 pages.
This chapter focuses on visual arts in Japan and Finland and the ways that social and political developments have been linked to reconstruction of cultural traditions. In...
International Journal of Public and Private Perspectives on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment (IJPPPHCE)
Mika Markus Merviö. Est. 2017.
The International Journal of Public and Private Perspectives on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment (IJPPPHCE) presents innovative ideas and emerging research to highlight...
Management and Participation in the Public Sphere
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2015. 399 pages.
Public policy has a dynamic effect on multiple facets of modern society. Methods for managing and engaging the public sphere continue to change conceptually across the globe...
Contemporary Social Issues in East Asian Societies: Examining the Spectrum of Public and Private Spheres
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2014. 349 pages.
While the balance between private and public sectors are based primarily on the experiences of the wealthy societies in Western Europe and North America, the global reach and...
Spectrum of Public and Private Spheres in East Asia: Theoretical Inspirations from Past and Present
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2014. 37 pages.
This chapter discusses the significance of cultural traditions for social development in East Asian societies, in particular Japan and Korea. The chapter treats culture and...
The Japanese Model of Risk Society: Challenges to Japanese Public Policy
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2014. 20 pages.
Japan, two years after the triple catastrophe of earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear plant crisis, is only slowly wakening to the new reality of a new kind of reflexive...
Healthcare Management and Economics: Perspectives on Public and Private Administration
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2013. 270 pages.
The long-standing debate on public vs. private healthcare systems has forced an examination of these organizations, in particular whether these approaches play corresponding or...
Risk Society and the Hybris of Modern Japanese State/Society
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2013. 14 pages.
This article analyses the risk society discourse in the context of Japanese society and the triple shock of the earthquake, tsunami, and the Fukushima nuclear plants catastrophe....
Risk Society and the Hybris of Modern Japanese State/Society
Mika Markus Merviö. © 2011. 13 pages.
This article analyses the risk society discourse in the context of Japanese society and the triple shock of the earthquake, tsunami, and the Fukushima nuclear plants catastrophe....