Mirian Fabiana da Silva

Mirian Fabiana da Silva graduated in Animal Science from the State University of Goiás, specialization in Agribusiness Management from the State University of Goiás, specialization in Teaching for Professional Education from the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, master's degree in Animal Science from the Federal University of Viçosa, PhD in Animal Nutrition and Production from the University of São Paulo, Postdoctoral at the State University of Maringá and Agricultural Technician from the Federal Agrotechnical School of Ceres. She is currently a teacher. It has been developing research on: evaluation of the dairy cattle production system, through the use of technical, economic, social and environmental indicators; evaluation of the perception of professionals and students of agricultural sciences about sustainability indicators for Brazilian dairy farming; and also research on training and qualification of professionals linked to dairy farming. She has experience in Animal Science, with an emphasis on animal production management, production and transaction costs, agribusiness, production chain, coordination of agro-industrial systems and evaluation of animal production systems.


The Importance of Sustainability Indicators in Dairy Farming: The Perceptions of Students of Agricultural Science Courses in Brazil
Mirian Fabiana da Silva, Ferenc I. Bánkuti. © 2023. 22 pages.
The objective of this research was to assess the perception of agricultural science undergraduate students from Brazilian institutions on dairy farm sustainability indicators....