Miroslav D. Lutovac

Miroslav D. Lutovac was born in Skopje, FYRM, in 1957. He received the Dipl.-Eng., MSc and DSc degrees from the University of Belgrade in 1981, 1985 and 1991, respectively, all in electrical engineering. He has been with Automatics Institute and Telecommunication & Electronics Institute Institute, Belgrade. His research objectives are to automate the design and real-time implementation of analog and digital signal processing systems, to apply symbolic computation in the optimization of communication and control systems, and to transfer design tools and methodologies to industry. He was appointed associate professor (2001) in Digital Signal Processing at the School of Electrical Engineering and professor (2008) in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Novi Pazar. He is elected for Principal Research Fellow by Ministry of Science of Serbia in 1999. Dr. Lutovac is author or coauthor of more than 150 scientific papers, mainly in the field of digital signal processing, and the coauthor of the basic monograph Filter Design for Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Mathematica (2000) published by Prentice Hall. The book was translated into Chinese (2004). He is coauthor of the book chapter Efficient Multirate Filtering. Dr. Lutovac is a senior member of IEEE, corresponding member of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, and advisory member of Journal IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences – Japan. His algorithms are deployed in software FilterCAD (Linear Technology) and WIPL-D Microwave. Miroslav Lutovac and Dejan Tosic have released software SchematicSolver that is distributed by Wolfram Research Inc. (2002-2008). For more details visit http://kondor.etf.rs/~lutovac/


Miroslav D. Lutovac. © 2009. 3 pages.
This Foreword is included in the book Multirate Filtering for Digital Signal Processing: MATLAB Applications.
Efficient Multirate Filtering
Ljiljana D. Milic, Miroslav D. Lutovac. © 2002. 38 pages.
Application of multirate techniques to improve digital filter design and implementation are considered in this chapter. FIR and IIR filter design and implementation for sampling...