Myriam Ertz

Myriam Ertz is Associate Professor of Marketing at University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Director of LaboNFC, Tier-2 Canada Research Chair in Technology, Sustainability, and Society, and co-responsible for Axis 1 of the Research Network on the circular economy of Quebec (RRECQ). Recipient of MDPI’s Social Sciences 2020 Young Investigator Award and the University of Quebec’s 2022 Research Succession Award, she has published over 90 research articles on product lifetime extension, responsible marketing, pro-environmental behavior, and the collaborative economy in top-tier journals including Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Journal of Cleaner Production, Resources Conservation & Recycling, Science of the Total Environment, Sustainable Cities & Society, Journal of Environmental Management, Business Strategy & the Environment, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, and European Journal of Marketing among others, and has extensive editorial experience, as author (author of the first handbook on responsible marketing in French language: Marketing responsable, JFD Editions), book (co-)editor (e.g., Handbook of research on the platform economy and the evolution of e-commerce, IGI Global), journal associate editor (Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Sustainability), and special issue guest editor (Sustainability, Discover Sustainability, Revue Organisations & Territoires).


Novel Forms of Consumption in the Postmodern Era
Myriam Ertz, Walid Addar, Asmaah Sultan. © 2024. 31 pages.
This chapter discusses collaborative and creative consumption. Collaborative consumption is the exchange of goods and services between individuals and challenges the fundamental...