Nana Benyi Ansah

Nana Benyi Ansah is a civil engineer and a lecturer at Accra Technical University. He lectures in several engineering subjects, including the strength of materials, Construction Technology, International Construction and Building Economics. He is an adjunct lecturer at Pentecost University. Nana Benyi Ansah's research interest is in Construction sustainability, Construction Life Cycle Assessment, Construction Health and Safety and Circularity. He is a member of the Building Technical Committee (TC 11) of the Ghana Standard Authority and a member of the committee on the Ghana Building Code (GS1207) 2018. He has fifteen years of construction site practice experience on concrete structures.


Assessment of Environmental Knowledge: The Case of the Ghanaian Contractor
Nana Benyi Ansah, Isaac Aidoo, Justice Agbevade. © 2023. 14 pages.
While developed countries continue to progress in environmental impact mitigation, global south countries have immature environmental mitigation and performance strategies. The...