Nelson deMatos

Nelson deMatos is an Assistant Professor at ESGHT, where he teaches several curricular units in Marketing and Tourism. He holds a doctoral degree in Tourism from UAlg and is a member of CinTurs. He has held various marketing management roles in the hospitality and services industry and has participated in various business projects as a marketing consultant and trainer. His main research interests are in the areas of Marketing (namely brands and consumer behaviour), tourism (namely smart cities and tourism experience), and neuromarketing. He is the author of publications in scientific books and journals.


Measuring Consumer Behavior in Hospitality for Enhanced Decision Making
Célia M.Q. Ramos, Carlos M.R. Sousa, Nelson M.S. Matos, Rashed Isam Ashqar. © 2023. 295 pages.
To improve the hospitality and tourism services provided to customers, it is necessary for managers to acquire knowledge about their customers’ and prospects’ journeys in order...
Capital Indicators for Hotel Customer Experience to Support Strategic Management
Célia M.Q. Ramos, Rashed Isam Ashqar, Nelson Matos, Carlos M. R. Sousa. © 2023. 22 pages.
Information management is crucial to control and correct the deviations of the organization and support the decision-making process in tourism and hospitality. It is also...
Smart Cities: Operational Concepts for an Elusive Framework
Nelson deMatos, Célia M. Q. Ramos. © 2023. 16 pages.
Human and technological development allowed cities to be built upon structures to increase the quality of life of their citizens. But evolution also brought challenges like high...
Moving Towards Sustainable Cultural Tourism Experiences: A Participatory Journey – The Stakeholders Perspective
Vânia Mendonça, Ana Isabel Renda, Nelson M. Silva de Matos. © 2022. 21 pages.
This research analyses the stakeholders' perception of the development of sustainable cultural tourism experiences. A case study is presented; the chosen place is a council...
Overtourism: A Systematic Review of Literature
Fatima Lampreia Carvalho, Manuela Guerreiro, Nelson Matos. © 2020. 25 pages.
This chapter conceptualises the notion of overtourism by providing a systematic literature review mapping the existing research knowledge. The mapping exercise benefits from...
Systematic Literature Review on Global Strategy: Mapping Trends and Gaps
Nelson deMatos, Miguel Ángel Sánchez Jiménez, Célia M. Q. Ramos, Nuno Baptista, João José de Matos Ferreira. © 2020. 28 pages.
The global economy changed the way products and services are exchange and reminded organizations' managers to find new ways to obtain competitive advantage and formulate...
Experience Economy Domains in Tourism: Extending the Knowledge and Understanding of Experiences
Nelson de Matos, Julio Mendes, Manuela Guerreiro. © 2020. 16 pages.
The experience economy captivated the attention of academia and industry managers regarding how to engage and create memorable experiences for customers. The extensive literature...
A Conceptualization of the Senses, Emotions, and Memories in Memorable Tourism Experiences
Rui Mendonça Pedro, Julio Mendes, Nelson de Matos, Mário Passos Ascenção. © 2020. 24 pages.
This chapter explores a conceptualization of the elements that create a memorable tourism experience – senses, emotions, and memories. A comprehensive and coherent theoretical...