Patrick John Coppock

Patrick Coppock was awarded a BSc (Hons) Degree in Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1973. That same year he emigrated to Norway, where he worked from 1975-1982 as student counsellor, sign language teacher, translator and interpreter at Trondheim State School for the Deaf. From 1983-1992 he worked as freelance sign language teacher, interpreter, translator and researcher, in cooperation with, amongst others, the Norwegian Association of the Deaf, Norwegian Center for Sign Language Research, Norwegian College of Special Education, and Norwegian Telecom Research Center. In 1993 he received an advanced MA in Applied Linguistics at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where he was research assistent at the Humanities Multimedia Lab, teaching courses in Hypermedia in the Humanities. In 1994 he received a four year PhD grant for research on changing norms for scientific publication through cooperation in networked hypermedia. From 1996-1998 he was visiting researcher at the Department of Communication Disciplines at the University of Bologna. From 1998-2000 he taught courses in Massmedia, New Media, and Semiotics of Cinema at the BA in Communication Science at the School of Humanities and Philosophy at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. In 2001 he joined the Department of Social, Cognitive and Quantitative Science at the same university, where he is currently tenured researcher in Theory and Philosophy of Languages at the School of Communication and Business. From 2001-2005 he was coordinator for international relations at the School of Communication and Business; collegiate member, and adjunct member of the examination commission of the Doctorate in Theoretical and Applied Social Sciences. He is at present one of the elected representative for researchers in the Faculty Council. He has participated in several requests for European Union research funding. From 2006-2009 he was member of a Reggio Emilia research group (coordinated by Alberto Voltolini) of the PRIN: “Fiction and Mental Simulation”, coordinated by Paolo Legrenzi (IUAV). He is a founder member of the network of nordic/european philosophers and semioticians, which organizes international meetings, seminars and conferences in this new field of research. In 2007 he was organizer of the second international conference in the series The Philosophy of Computer Games, held at the Department of Social Cognitive and Quantitative Science in Reggio Emilia, and is Coordinator of the Game Philosophy Research Initiative at UNIMORE. He was Program Committee member for the 2008 edition of the Philosophy of Computer Games conference series, held at the University of Potsdam, Germany, and Program Committee member and Chair of the Peer Review Board for the 2009 edition of the Philosophy of Computer Games, held at the University of Oslo, Norway. He has been peer reviewer for several international conferences and research journals, amongst others for the International Pragmatics Association (IprA), the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), and Lexia.