Pedro Santos

Pedro Santos has finished his PhD at the University of Valencia (Spain), in Psychogerontology (2021). He holds a Master in Educational Psychology from the University of Coimbra (2008); and also completed a Degree in Psychology at the same institution in 2003 (FPCEUC). Works in the field of Social Sciences, with an emphasis on Ageing, Entrepreneurship or Educational Psychology. He currently works at the Division for Research and International Cooperation of Polytechnic of Setúbal, being a guest assistant at Bussiness School (ESCE-IPS).


An Outlook on the Facilitators' Perspectives of a Cocreation Project at a Higher Education Institution
Sandra Nunes, Luisa Carvalho, Sandrina B. Moreira, Raquel Pereira, Pedro Mares, Pedro Santos. © 2023. 25 pages.
Innovative pedagogical methodologies are becoming increasingly applicable in the context of higher education. In this cocreation project, multidisciplinary teams of students...