Puneeta Ajmera

Puneeta Ajmera is an accomplished Associate Professor with a rich academic and industry background spanning 16 years in the field of education and 2 years in the corporate sector. Holding a Ph.D., MBA, APGD-GHMP, and a BPT degree, she has demonstrated exceptional expertise in areas such as Maternal and Child Health, Globalization of healthcare, Industry 4.0, and Lean management in healthcare. Dr. Ajmera's research focuses on decision-making in healthcare, where she excels in employing advanced techniques such as MADM (AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR) approaches and Structural Modelling techniques like ISM and TISM. Her prolific career includes over 60 publications, numerous authored books, and book chapters, as well as extensive presentations at national and international conferences and seminars. Her dedication to excellence was recognized with the Highly Outstanding Paper Award in 2018 by the Emerald Publishing Group, United Kingdom. Dr. Ajmera's work continues to shape and advance the field of healthcare and decision sciences.


Fundamentals of Healthcare 5.0
Nahid Ansari, Palka Mittal, Puneeta Ajmera, Abhishek Dadhich. © 2024. 21 pages.
The healthcare industry is undergoing a transformation driven by technological advancements, changing patient expectations, and needing more efficient and effective care. Among...
Leveraging Cloud Computing for Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges
Palka Mittal, Nahid Ansari, Abhishek Dadhich, Puneeta Ajmera. © 2024. 26 pages.
The intersection of cloud computing and healthcare offers great potential to transform medical data storage, access, and sharing. Cloud technology enables easier access to...