Ruben Valadez

Ruben Valadez , B.S., is a graduate student studying Adult Education at the Dreeben School of Education at the University of the Incarnate Word. He has taken face-to-face, hybrid/hyflex, and online courses during his education journey. Moreover, he has thirty years of experience in information technology in nonprofit and corporate settings developing, designing, and implementing automated systems at a department to corporate-wide level that replaced manual processes. He also has over 20 years' of experience as an information technology instructor who developed training manuals and videos for end-user training courses.


Understanding Adult Learners' Needs and Integrating Technology for Effective Online Education: Adult-Centered Approaches for Teaching and Learning
Ashley S. Love, Joan Labay-Marquez, Ruben Valadez. © 2023. 22 pages.
This chapter explores theories relevant to various online environments and seeks new ways to teach and learn in a digital age for adult learners. Adopting existing pedagogy and...