Silvana Curvello de Cerqueira Campos

Silvana Campos is a Psychologist that received her MD in Social and Work Psychology from the Bahia Federal University (Ufba) in 2016. And now she is doing the PHD on the same program and area. She is currently an analyst at the Municipality of Salvador, having previously been Training Manager at Empresa Baiana de Águas e Saneamento (Embasa). He has experience in research, teaching and consulting Psychology´s field, with an emphasis on recruitment and selection processes, training and development, mapping of technical and behavioral competences, individual development plan, development of teams and managers, performance evaluation, internal coaching.


Work Identity, Meaning, and Meaningfulness of Work in the Immigration Context: Systematic Literature Review
Silvana Curvello de Cerqueira Campos, Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim, Juliana Paranhos Moreno Batista. © 2023. 28 pages.
The objective of this chapter is to find evidence of empiric relations among work identity, meaning and meaningfulness of work in the immigration context. The method used was...