Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim

Sônia Gondim got the Psychology´s degree from the Higher Education Center of Juiz de Fora (1981), the Master's degree in Psychology (Social Psychology) from Gama Filho University (1990) and the PhD in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1998). She did the PHD internship from November 2006 to October 2007, having spent 6 months at the Complutense University of Madrid and the remaining months in Cambridge, UK, both with a CNPq scholarship. She did a second post-doctoral internship in Spain in 2013, having been awarded a CAPES Scholarship by the Brazil/Spain International Cooperation Program. She is currently a retired Full Professor at the Institute of Psychology at the Federal University of Bahia and is a visiting professor at the Institute of Psychology at the Federal University of Uberlândia, with postgraduate teaching and research activities.


Work Identity, Meaning, and Meaningfulness of Work in the Immigration Context: Systematic Literature Review
Silvana Curvello de Cerqueira Campos, Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim, Juliana Paranhos Moreno Batista. © 2023. 28 pages.
The objective of this chapter is to find evidence of empiric relations among work identity, meaning and meaningfulness of work in the immigration context. The method used was...