Sowdamini Thatta

Sowdamini Thatta is currently serving as an Associate Professor at the GITAM School of Business, GITAM (Deemed to be University) at the Visakhapatnam campus, India. With an impressive career spanning 19 years, she has gained expertise in the field of Human Resource Management. further she honed her skills by successfully completing an Executive Education Program in HR Analytics from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak. She is an active member of National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM) and The Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD). As a mentor, she is currently guiding research scholars within the Ph.D. program, and her guidance has already resulted in two scholars receiving awards for their research. she has served as a co-investigator in HR consultancy projects for various companies. Additionally, her expertise is sought after by both public and private sectors, where she has delivered lectures in multiple Management Development Programs (MDPs). She peer-reviewed articles. Her research also extends to the realm of case studies, along with nine book chapters and two books. She regularly presented her work at national and international conferences, showcasing her dedication to sharing her knowledge and insights with a broader audience.


Research and Applications of Neurotechnologies for Leadership
Sowdamini Thatta, Vijaya Kittu Manda, Vidya S. Athota. © 2024. 27 pages.
Neuroleadership has emerged as a field combining neuroscience and leadership. It has gained increasing attention recently, attracting interest from academics, researchers, and...