Svetlana Zhelyazkova Vasileva-Boyadzhieva

SVETLANA Zh. VASILEVA-BOYADZHIEVA was born in Plodiv, Bulgaria and went to the Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI), where she studied Engineer Process Systems "Computer Aided Design" and obtained her degree in 1994. She has also a degree as a PhD in Informatics. She worked as a programmer (1995-1996 - EF "DeytaSoft" - Plovdiv), assistant professor of Informatics (1997-2000 - Agricultural University - Plovdiv), before moving in 2001 to the University of Shumen, College Dobrich where she was a chief assistant professor in Informatics. Since 2016 she has been an associate professor at Varna University of Management. Areas of scientific interests: Simulation modeling of processes and systems; Control systems for distributed databases; Application of information technologies in education.