Yixin Zuo

Yixin Zuo received the Bachelor’s degree in Public Affairs Management from Nanjing Agriculture University and the Master’s degree in Library and Information Management from the University of Hong Kong. She once participated in the Student Research Training and organized a project about the protection of traditional villages. As a result, she published two articles about culture management as the first author in Southern Agriculture Journal. She joined two short-term internships at Jiangsu Folk Museum and Sanqin Daily in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Her undergraduate thesis focuses on government management of traditional culture and won the second prize in her school and an outstanding graduate award, while this chapter is based on her master’s capstone project. Her research interests are in information management and E-learning.


Digital Protection of Traditional Villages for Sustainable Heritage Tourism: A Case Study on Qiqiao Ancient Village, China
Yixin Zuo, Apple Hiu Ching Lam, Dickson K. W. Chiu. © 2023. 23 pages.
Similar to the plight of other traditional villages, Qiqiao Ancient Village is declining under the impact of urbanization and the devastation of modernization. Qiqiao is chosen...