A Privacy-Preserving Authentic Healthcare Monitoring System Using Blockchain

A Privacy-Preserving Authentic Healthcare Monitoring System Using Blockchain

Anu Raj, Shiva Prakash
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSCI.310942
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Integrating the internet of things (IoT) and healthcare monitoring systems is one of the most dynamic innovations in the research area. Since the tremendous number of IoT devices in smart healthcare systems is increasing exponentially, privacy and security issues related to the patient's data are significant concerns. The authors propose an access control for a healthcare monitoring system using blockchain-based smart contracts. They created four smart contract forms for user registration, authentication, access control including misbehavior detection and access revocation. The sensor automatically measures the patient's health data and filters the data before determining whether to write the data into the blockchain or not. The sensor detects abnormal data and alerts doctors and hospitals for immediate treatment. The efficiency of the proposed framework is verified by performance evaluation based on the Ethereum test environment. The proposed system outperforms existing approaches by reducing deployment and execution latency and average response latency in the real-time smart healthcare system.
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The progressive emergence of the IoT, smart healthcare devices, and wearable technologies have provided more significant opportunities in the medical field, especially for remote healthcare monitoring. Although numerous healthcare devices provide more extraordinary facilities to the world, there is still a big concern about the security & privacy of personal healthcare information. Nowadays, the healthcare problem of senior citizens is constantly increasing. The problem is that most older people stay at home without proper medical support because most of their family members work outside. Therefore, a secured remote healthcare monitoring system can resolve this issue by providing real-time healthcare monitoring, secure data transmission, & lifesaving alerts to healthcare professionals & hospitals. The popularity of the remote healthcare monitoring system is rapidly increasing; 25.8 million patients use remote healthcare systems as part of their secure health system. Approximately 30 million persons are predicted to be affected by the disease by 2024 (Remote Patient Monitoring Trends & Health Devices in 2021, n.d.). Healthcare monitoring systems primarily depend on IoT technology, which raises a slew of privacy & security concerns as the system grows(Pham et al., 2019). Wearable devices are an essential part of the smart healthcare system, which includes various physiological sensors embedded to measure pulse rates such as oxygen level, body temperature & heart rate, and oxygen level in real-time.

A wireless body area network is a subset of smart healthcare systems that use sensors to gather data & deliver it to the cloud. The gateway sends the collected data to hospitals, providing the service and a dynamic user interface (Bolduc, M., The Future of Medical Wearables, 2017. - Google Scholar, n.d.). This healthcare monitoring technology helps people enjoy their lives more freely by saving time. As the remote healthcare monitoring field expands, various health security issues are raised and delivered to integrated health management details. Data from multiple healthcare devices must be pooled, structured, and processed. Medical information is a good target for hackers; therefore, government regulation provides a strong incentive to protect PHI transfer. To preserve the integrity of patient health & maintain a proper sequence of actions, the commands sent to actuator nodes within IoT devices are securely recorded as both patient reports & a record of who authorized them. With this system, patients will have peace of mind when using medical equipment since they will have an immutable ledger and will receive automatic alert notifications of health issues. Medical professionals can get real-time notifications regarding their patient's data, which supports precision treatment. The use of smart contracts to automate health signals from numerous devices is a breakthrough method that enables healthcare providers to integrate new medical technologies with ease. Therefore, a fundamental challenge arises: how can a remote healthcare monitoring system effectively provide decentralized and patient-centric access control?

A solution is an innovative contract-based IoT solution's security challenges(Khan & Salah, 2018). Blockchain supports distributed resource sharing in the entire network by providing fault tolerance, transparency, and security (Raj & Prakash, 2018). When properly constructed, a blockchain-based smart contract can enable cross-domain data sharing while ensuring that patients have secure access to health information. Blockchain has grown in popularity since the emergence of the first digital cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (Wright, 2019)(Raj & Prakash, 2020). Due to its multi-tenant deployment, large-scale smart cities do not lend themselves to having a single-party trust in a distributed and collaborative setting. As a result, the issue of reliable & secure data replication in a distributed system arises, which can be effectively solved by applying blockchain technology(Esposito et al., 2021). Much research has been done on Ethereum(Intro to Ethereum | Ethereum.Org, n.d.) network for the IoT-based healthcare system, which provides a blockchain platform to develop Smart contracts(Wang et al., 2018). The contracts are self-executing contracts between various parties that are carried out through the blockchain network.

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