A Two-Phase Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Environment

A Two-Phase Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Environment

Archana Singh, Rakesh Kumar
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSCI.2021010103
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Load balancing is the phenomenon of distributing workload over various computing resources efficiently. It offers enterprises to efficiently manage different application or workload demands by allocating available resources among different servers, computers, and networks. These services can be accessed and utilized either for home use or for business purposes. Due to the excessive load on the cloud, sometimes it is not feasible to offer all these services to different users efficiently. To solve this excessive load issue, an efficient load balancing technique is used to offer satisfactory services to users as per their expectations also leading to efficient utilization of resources and applications on the cloud platform. This paper presents an enhanced load balancing algorithm named as a two-phase load balancing algorithm. It uses a two-phase checking load balancing approach where the first phase is to divide all virtual machines into two different tables based on their state, that is, available or busy while in the second phase, it equally distributes the loads. The various parameters used to measure the performance of the proposed algorithm are cost, data center processing time, and response time. Cloud analyst simulation tool is used to simulate the algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate superiority of the algorithm with existing ones.
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2. Literature Review

When we say about load, that means it shows the number of users demand for the server. There are various reasons behind the high demand of the Internet where the first reason is the industrial use of cloud. Ttoday, many technical firms use cloud services for their work. Using a cloud for industrial purposes is not only the infrastructure-less service, apart from this, but cloud services are also cost-efficient, reliable for work from anywhere any time and there are many more advantages of using cloud services for industrial purposes. The reason for the high demand of the internet is social networking sites. There are many forms of social media such as blogs, forums, chat apps, photo sharing, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and these are reasons for the increasing popularity of Online Social Networking (OSN). As per the report of Statista, currently 2.95 billion users of OSN. When the popularity of OSN increasing, it creates many kinds of serious cybercrime issues such as identity theft, malware, fake profile, spam ware, social bots, Sybil attack, sexual harassment, and many more (Sahoo & Gupta, 2018).

These issues are the most challenging factor for the Internet and this could be overcome by using the article (Gupta et al., 2018) where Gupta et el. (Gupta et al., 2018) describe a client-server JavaScript code rewriting-based framework that protects online users' privacy against XSS worms in OSN. The server-side generates a prediction graph that looks for extracting the JavaScript code and converting it to a separate file. This transfer takes place in complete isolation of unreliable JavaScript code and data. It conducts runtime monitoring of client-side JavaScript code to detect tainted flow of trusted JavaScript variables. The context of such dynamically tilted variables is determined by examining string analysis to see if this is a weak point. Finally, the decoding function takes place in the embedded JavaScript code and the parameter values of the HTTP request in the fuzzy malicious JavaScript code. If the match is found, XSS will be the attack vector. If not, it's not.

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