An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Adoption Intention of eLearning in India

An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Adoption Intention of eLearning in India

Syed Fazal Karim
DOI: 10.4018/IJBDCN.2015010102
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The aim of this paper is to understand the factors affecting the adoption intention of eLearning as a means of learning amongst individuals (specifically learners and teachers). eLearning is a scalable, efficient, cost effective and fast form of learning but its acceptance levels are still low. The study endeavors to come forward with factors and outcomes, which when analyzed, will help examine the reasons for the low acceptance rate of the eLearning education model in India. The paper will help all the stakeholders in the field of eLearning to develop a fair understanding of low acceptance of eLearning.
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Review Of Literature

A proper review of existing literature is essential and of high importance to have a proper bird’s eye view of the views and studies of the academics and researchers of the present times.

eLearning or Blended Learning can be perceived as the amalgamation of all the existent modes and means of web-based technology to accomplish an educational objective and consequently attaining enhancement in the knowledge levels (Sun, Tsai, Finger, Chen and Yeh, 2008).

Learning provides ‘‘intellectual growth that leads to scientific reasoning, abstract thought, and formal operations’’ (Zhang, Zhao and Tan, 2008).

Major advantages of eLearning include control over the content offering and pace of learning, ease of distribution, ease in updating material, standardized course material, lifelong learning, interactive session, cost effectiveness and accountability (Wentling, Waight, Gallaher, Fleur, Wang and Kanfer, 2005).

eLearning is emerging as the paradigm of modern education by becoming an essential part of teaching and learning process and implementation of systems across borders of time and space (Lee and Pituch, 2004).

With the shift from product based economy to knowledge based economy, the organizations are looking for knowledge workers who can be trained on an anytime, anywhere basis (Ong, Lai and Wang, 2004).

Learner Satisfaction (or Acceptance) is a vital factor that has a far and wide mention in all studies based on eLearning (Liaw, 2008). The benefits of eLearning will not be maximized unless the learners are ready to accept and use the system (Lee and Pituch, 2006). Additionally, a peek into what leads to learner dissatisfaction and dropout from online courses and a thereby mild adoption intention rate is also essential (Chang, Chen and Huang 2011).

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