Analysis of the Realistic Resolution with Angle of Arrival for Indoor Positioning

Analysis of the Realistic Resolution with Angle of Arrival for Indoor Positioning

A. Van Nieuwenhuyse, L. De Strycker, N. Stevens, J.-P. Goemaere, B. Nauwelaers
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/jhcr.2013040101
(Individual Articles)
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The increasing importance of localizing objects in indoor environments is the motivation for much research on localization algorithms. This paper focuses on the maximum achievable resolution for Angle of Arrival as a means to position objects inside rooms using equipment within the field of wireless sensor networks, thus dealing with restricted resources. A clear view on beamforming using antenna arrays is represented and is proven to be useful in Angle of Arrival measurements. A detailed overview of a dedicated algorithm, leads the authors to draw conclusions concerning the resolution. A reference value is defined, which allows the authors to calculate the realistic resolution for all room dimensions. In order to verify these theoretical outcomes with practical results, the development of a quadrature demodulation based antenna array architecture, operating at 2.4 GHz, is presented. The latter is based on a study of different phase shifting technologies.
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Beamforming To Perform Angle Of Arrival Localization

Angle of Arrival Concept

In the AoA concept each anchor node tries to locate the mobile node. Therefore it steers the receiving beam pattern of its antenna array, and measures the received power emitted by the mobile node. The direction with maximum power is an indication for the mobile node's position in the case of neglecting possible fading due to reflections. The beam width, related to the used antenna system, is a measure for the maximum achievable accuracy.

Multiple intelligent anchor nodes co-operate to find the mobile node's position. Each of them defines a zone, depending on the beam width of the antenna system, in which the mobile node is positioned. The intersection of the different zones marks out where the mobile node most likely can be situated. The surface area of the intersection, as indicated in Figure 1, can be defined as the resolution of the system for that specific position of the mobile node.

Figure 1.

Anchor nodes co-operating to define the possible location of the mobile node


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