An ANP-Based Model for an Effective Green Supply Chain Management

An ANP-Based Model for an Effective Green Supply Chain Management

Fabio De Felice, Antonella Petrillo, Maria Grazia Gnoni
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/jal.2012070101
(Individual Articles)
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Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has becoming an imperative issue for several supply chains (SCs) due to environmental burdens defined by international legislation and to increasing costs of such a resource. The present paper proposes a decision support system aiming to evaluate more effective GSCM strategies. Thus, environmental performance of the whole supply chain, and consequently of each supplier involved, must be compared in a standardized and quantitative way. Thus, the proposed approach integrates index methods for Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) in developing a multi-criteria model based on the Analytic Network Process (ANP) technique. The integration overcomes criticalities of the two models. The approach has been validated in a real case study concerning the glass windscreen production supply chain.
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Currently, strategies for Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) are becoming widespread in several industrial contexts as environmental sustainability of a product represents a key factor for competitive advantage. These issues are forcing the development of different approaches for evaluating the environmental sustainability level of a supply chain: according to a typical supply chain structure, green procurement, manufacturing and distribution, and finally, reverse logistics could be effective fields of interventions. By comparing with a single firm, the complexity increases in environmental sustainability analysis of a supply chain as several different companies have to coordinate their efforts in order to improve their global environmental performance (Sonesson & Berlin, 2003; Pineda-Henson & Culaba, 2004). Thus, two main types of approaches could be outlined:

  • Top-down models: which are mainly based on a global level analysis. A reference model is the well known Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) approach which allows to measure environmental sustainability of a supply chain from a system perspective (“i.e. from cradle to grave”). According to this approach, process-based strategies for GSCM are defined as “greening the supply chain processes“ (Vachon & Klassen, 2008): the aim is to link performance regarding all processes and services inside and outside factory gates.

  • Bottom-up models: which are focusing on evaluating the contribution of each individual company on the whole environmental performance of a supply chain (Gerbens-Leenes et al., 2003). Climate change, related fossil energy use, ISO 14000 guidelines refer to this category. Thus, product-based strategies - defined as “supply chain management for sustainable products” (Koplin, 2007; Seuring & Muller, 2008) – aim to determine specific requirements for each supplier in order to guarantee product environmental compatibility.

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