Bio Diesel Oil of Mustard: Small Diesel a Renewable Alternative Fuel

Bio Diesel Oil of Mustard: Small Diesel a Renewable Alternative Fuel

Liu Hongcong
DOI: 10.4018/japuc.2013010105
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This paper represents the mustard oil is a kind of renewable energy and alternative fuel of the future. In order to cope with the current situation of load shedding, and reduce dependence on imported fuels, the Bangladesh government to encourage the use of renewable energy. Because the diesel engine with multiple functions, including small pumping irrigation system and backup generators, diesel fuel is much higher than that of any other gasoline fuel. In Bangladesh, mustard oil used as edible oil has been all over the country. Mustard is a widely grown plants, more than demand in Bangladesh and the mustard seed is produced annually. Therefore, to use the remaining mustard oil diesel fuel as a substitute. Fuel properties determine the standard procedure in fuel testing laboratory. An experimental device, and then a small diesel engine made in a laboratory using different conversion from the properties of biodiesel blend of mustard oil. The study found, biodiesel diesel fuel has a slightly different than the property. Also observed, and bio diesel, engine is able to without difficulty, but deviates from its optimal performance. Biodiesel was different (B20, B30, B50) of the blends have been used in engine or a fuel supply system, in order to avoid the complex deformation. Finally, it has been carried out to compare the performance of different operating conditions with different blends of Biodiesel Engine, in order to determine the optimal blends.
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2. Bio-Diesel Vs. Straight Vegetable Oil

Biodiesel is produced from vegetable oils. The main components of vegetable oil are triglycerides. Triglycerides are esters of glycerol with long chain acids, commonly called fatty acids. Bio-diesel is defined as mono alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from renewable feed stock-such as vegetable oil or animal fats, for use in compression ignition (CI) engines (Yosimoto, Onodera, & Tamaki, 2001). This name is given to the esters when they are for use as fuel.

Problems associated with using straight vegetable oil (SVO) in diesel engine, can be classified in two groups, viz, operational and durability problems. Operation problems are related to starting ability, ignition, combustion and performance. Durability problems are related to deposit formation, carbonization of injection tip, ring sticking and lubrication oil dilution. The problems associated with using straight vegetable oil (SVO) can be listed as below:

  • It has been observed that SVO when used for long hours, tend to choke the fuel filter because of high viscosity and insoluble present in the SVO;

  • High viscosity of SVO causes poor fuel atomization, large droplet size, and thus high spray jet penetration. The jet also tends to be a solid stream instead of a spray of small droplets. As a result, the fuel is not distributed or mixed with the air required for burning in the combustion chamber. This result in poor combustion accompanied by loss of power and economy;

  • SVO has lower energy density than fossil diesel. So this leads to higher BSFC of the engine;

  • To use SVO efficiently in diesel engine, modification of fuel supply system and engine redesign is required; which is much costly.

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