Categorical Approaches to Models and Behaviors of Autonomic Agent Systems

Categorical Approaches to Models and Behaviors of Autonomic Agent Systems

DOI: 10.4018/jcini.2009010102
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A new computing paradigm is currently on the spot: interaction based on series of actions. Most of autonomic agent systems (AASs) exploit this type of interaction to self-adjust their autonomous behaviors as a fundamental operational paradigm. At an interaction interface, actions evolve over time, hence series of actions occurs as a royal candidate for modeling, specifying, programming, and verifying AASs. For considering AASs, series of actions and adaptation relations; our formal approach consists, in particular, of categorical models and behaviors such that, firstly , AASs, series of actions and adaptation relations will categorically be modeled to provide algebraic frameworks for development of reasoning on their behaviors and, secondly, categorical behaviors of AASs, series of action and adaptation relations will be investigated and developed taking advantage of their categorical models.

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